Tuesday, October 4, 2016

An experiment – Emotion graph

I am planning to have an experiment in retro to understand how team felt during sprint. I am calling this experiment as Emotion Graph. In this experiment in the end of retro, on white board, I intend to draw a graph similar to below picture:

In this picture, x-axis will originate from sprint planning meeting and end with retro. The y-axis will represent the happiness on +ve side of axis while –ve side will depict unhappiness of the team. Happiness as well as unhappiness will just be labels, so can be replaced by other labels like elated, nervous, etc.
Now team will write down major events on the x-axis. Now picture may look like:

Now each team member may draw a curved line to depict his emotional state (between happy and not happy) during sprint. Once every one drew his curved line, team starts to discuss why they felt happy or unhappy at that particular event.
I suppose this exercise will help team to understand itself better.
Please share if you have performed similar exercise, your views and outcome of it.

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