Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Is Backlog Refinement a linear continuous activity?

Whenever we hear about Backlog Refinement, a picture emerges - team is meeting regularly and refining the stories and feature. This event may happen once or twice during a Sprint. Is this picture depicting the whole reality? No! I think in reality is little more complicated and not so smooth.
Refinement is a continuous activity with a context-specific combination of once-off big events and regular events. Think about your home. You invest in the daily efforts to keep it clean. Also, on weekends, you look into kids’ room to make sure it is clean. And then you have garage cleaning sale in the summer. On similar lines, during a sprint, you focus on stories and maybe some features. Once in a month (duration depends upon context), it’s the turn of Features and maybe some super important Epics. Once in two months or in a quarter (again duration is context dependent), the Epic time arrives. 

In summary, Backlog Refinement is a continuous activity with some combination of once off as well as regular events.

What do you think?

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