Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Agile Transformation frameworks

Agile transformation is one of the hot topics in software industry. If you survey in the market you may find few salient characteristics:

1.    Scrum – a process framework is the favorite of the development teams.
2.    Kanban is very popular among Ops team.
3.    Teams with mixed responsibilities – Dev as well as operations use hybrid of Scrum and Kanban  (ScrumBan)in two flavors:
a.    Teams create proxy Stories to accommodate operational jobs as tasks
b.    Teams set aside certain percentage of its capacity to accommodate operational requests.
4.    In scaling domain, dominant player is SAFe
5.    Second biggest player in Agile in scaling is LeSS/Huge LeSS.
6.    Xscale is making some noise in Agile transformation market.
7.    DevOps and Agile are merging into one and line separating these two approaches is turning into a haze separating these two.

If you look closely, you will notice almost all of the frameworks are driving organizations to a promised land of Agile (except DevOps and Kanban). No one is talking about the journey to the promised land of Agile (if it exists) and how to remain there. Surprisingly, none of the framework promote Agile way of becoming Agile. As we go into details there is a surprising absence of frameworks and ecosystems for Architecture and Design which is core to any successful software product in long run as well systems touching the IT and Software Engineering e.g. compensation, budgeting, recruiting, etc.

Although some isolated frameworks for Agile way of marketing exist but they are few and dressed up version of existing way of doing marketing.

What do you think?

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