Wednesday, February 13, 2019

DevOps and Agile with Prefixes and Suffixes

What is the latest buzz word you have encountered which has Agile or DevOps in it? Is it devSecOps? Is it Agile Project Manager? Is it Agile Developer? is it Agile Design? is it Agile Methodology? is it DesignOps? ...

It seems every marketer is pouncing over the success of Agile and DevOps. 

Let's try to decipher these terms.

Agile certainly kick starts and sustains incremental improvements. DevOps is in its all simplicity an idea where Dev and Ops collaborate (level of collaboration may vary widely) and focus on fast delivery of increments with the highest possible quality. To maintain a small delivery cycle, automation plays a mega size role. 

The meaning of design varies as per the context. For a product designer in social media space, a design may imply how a customer is interacting with the product while for software architect design may refer to - how the code is organized & written and usage of components & libraries.  It seems to me DesignDevOps or most of XXXDevOps, DevXXXOps, and DevOpsXXX are very similar to XXXAgile and AgileXXX - marketing attempt.

For convenience purpose, I visualize Agile is something which focuses on people, governance, and processes with a sprinkle of contemporary engineering practices while DevOps' focus area is a collaboration between Dev and Ops with heavy doses of contemporary engineering practices and automation. Maybe the term of my preference is AgileDevOps (yes I am guilty of AgileXXX and XXXDevOps).

What do you think?

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