Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Agile Manifesto in English - 17


Agile principles are concretization of agile values.  Agile manifesto lists 12 principles. These principles are iterated in the form of assertive statements.

12.     At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Do I know everything? Do you know everything? I am sure answer is NO. Even for a small subject, hardly anyone can claim that he know it all. We are learning beings.  

In any dynamic environment, we commit mistakes and learn from it and next time tries to do it better. In reality we all do small experiments. Most of the experiments fail; we learn from them and get ready for next one.

The main thing is learning from the failures. To learn from failures, we need to reflect as individual and team.  This is an ongoing exercise of improving self, to become more effective and efficient over time period.

Learning from mistake is not only true for devTeam but of stakeholders as well.
But before doing experiment, we need to analyses and understand the probable blast radius of failure. The consequences of failure should be analyzed well. To keep the impact of failure small, we do smaller experiments. Organization should also provide the support the teams and individuals for failed experiments.

Also reflecting should be a learning endeavor not the find the punching bag exercise. 

In scrum, kanban, and devOps frameworks, this principle is reflected in following practices:

  • Daily Standup
  • Retrospect meeting

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