Monday, April 10, 2017

Random Thoughts – Agile transformation

All trees are different but we want straight jacket solution for Agile transformation/ Architecture development.

Roots hold the tree and provide stability to any tree. Just look around, you will see hundreds of type of trees but roots are very similar. However, as we move upward toward stem to fruits variation in characteristics of the trees become very obvious.

Roots are like values on which organizations and people stabilize and provide the base of growth. Stems are like principles which grow on roots and help a tree to stand up high. Branched originating from the stem are like guidelines which have bigger variations among different trees. Next step is smaller branches - frameworks and methodologies which have bigger diversity even for a tree on which flowers and fruits make a tree to spread across the generations. However, have you noticed as you move from roots to flowers & fruits variation keep on increases?

Are trees representing organizations - having very similar values but increasing variation in conducting business?

If trees are organizations are so similar why do we seek one solution fit all answers for the Agile transformation? Why do we not focus on values and design a custom solution for the Agile transformation? Do we have a hangover of straight jacket ERP era where some divine expert knows all?

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