Friday, February 7, 2014

Fix It Sprint

Every business application has bugs, whether developed in Agile or traditional waterfall/spiral methodology.  Recently, we tried Fix-It Sprint in one of the project.

During Fix-It Sprint, all team members of Scrum (Pigs as well as Chickens) assembled in a big conference room and laid out the Fix-It plan. By the way, we have weeklong Sprints.  Team devised following format:

Day 1:

  1. First 2 hours to list down all bugs – whether listed in bug tracking tool or not. Also listed technical issues and challenges, as per Dev team members.
  2. Next 2 hours to prioritize and target for the first day.
  3. Remaining 4 hours to complete the items as per the plan.

Day 2:

  1. First  one hour to update the list created previous day with new items, discovered after fixing previous lot
  2. Next one hour to prioritize and target for the day.
  3. Remaining 4 hours to complete the items as per the plan.

Day 3, 4, 5

  1. Repeat day 2 plan


After a week, product was in better shape and satisfaction across team about quality of product was astonishingly high.


We are planning to repeat Fix-It Sprint, once in a quarter.


Is anyone else is doing similar experiment?

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