Thursday, August 29, 2013

Distributed Systems and CAP Theorem: For my sophomore

Yash: Papa, do you have few minutes!!

Me: Yes. What is the issue!!

Yash: Nothing. I was wondering what is CAP theorem? I was trying to understand it but it is confusing. It talks about Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance in Distributed Systems. I have little idea about distributed systems but CAP Theorem ….

Me: It should not be a challenge. First tell me what do you know about Distributed Systems?

Yash: In distributed systems, various components of software systems run on different machines. So, if one component needs to be scaled up, that can be done individually without affecting remaining components.

Me: OK. Give me an example.

Yash: Let us assume, I have a Java program which also has database. So as you explained to me in MVC pattern (link to MVC here) there will be few distinct components:

  • JSP s representing View
  • Some servlets which will be holding controller logic
  • Java Beans which will be talking to database
  • Database to hold data


Me: Hold on. Add one more component in your list.

  • Images which will be displayed in browser with JSPs.

Yash: OK. So I have 5 components. So potentially I can host my application on five different computers. One machine for each component. And suppose with time, due to increased data, I can add one more machine for database. So, totaling 6 machines. Here I am taking benefit of distributive computing.

Me: Fantastic!!

Me: Should be talk about CAP Theorem?

Yash: Yes. I want to know it.

Me: OK. So we will start from non-computer life.  One day you wake up and had a great idea to start your own company.  Its name will be AskMe. It has very simple service to offer. People will call AskMe and give their reviews about restaurants. Also they can ask AskMe to give reviews about a particular restaurant as given by other reviewers. 

Since you were very enthusiastic about this idea. , so you talk with your friends in school. Few of your friends become member of AskMe. To keep track of each member and review you started to write details in a Note book. 

AskMe service is unique and people liked the idea of restaurants review over phone, word of mouth helped. AskMe started to gain new customers. With increased customer base, you started to miss calls, which is not good for business. 

You rope in your brother in AskMe business. You wanted that customer should have only one telephone number for AskMe, so got another line with same telephone number and internally rote the calls depending upon who is free (You and your brother). You also gave a separate note book to your brother where he can jot down reviews and also read the reviews if asked. You were happy. 

But within few days, you realized that some restaurants are in your note book and some other in your brother’s note book. It means AskMe is not giving correct reviews to its customer. You and your brother think through the problem at hand and decided that every day in morning, both need to tally each other note book, and ensure that both note books are in sync.

This arrangement worked but after few days, you and your brother have small fight and your brother decided not to sync his note book with yours. AskMe is in trouble. Also during non-fight days you noticed that AskMe cannot start working till both of you sync your booklets and invariably both note books are out of sync during day time.

Now let us list the challenges AskMe is facing:

  • Both notebooks may not be in sync all the time. This may not happen because one of you may decide not to sync due to any reason
  • If during day time, if you both decide to sync your note books, during that time AskMe service will not be available
  • One of you may not show at work which will result in missed calls

Yash: It seems to me that out of these three challenges only two can be solved at a given point of time. 

  • If AskMe decide to sync all notes book all the time, few calls will be missed.
  • If at least one of us decides not to show for work again few calls will be missed.
  • If AskMe add more people to take calls, there will be more time consumed to sync up the note books, again few calls will be missed.

It seems to me that there is no perfect solution.

Me: This is CAP Theorem. C is for Consistency, A is for Availability, and P is for Partition Tolerance. In any distributed computer system, all three cannot be achieved.

Yash: Does it mean, all distributed computer systems are not perfect in terms of Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance?

Me: Yes, but there are techniques to reduce the impact.

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