Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Video Review: Functional Thinking by Neal Ford

Functional Thinking: Functional Programming using Java, Clojure and Scala. Neal Ford is a fantastic teacher. He explains the concepts of Functional Programming in very lucid manner.  He explains closure and its usage with very ease.

The quote "functional is more a way of thinking than a tool set" summarizes the intent of the whole effort. In this video Neal summarizes functional paradigm for java developers. He covers closure, immutability, higher order functions, laziness, Pure Functions, Recursion, Strict Evaluation and others.

Neal also covers few of the examples using Java, Groovy, Scala, and Closure

  • Neal lists few of the advantages of functional programming:
    Language Evolution: Functional programming is next paradigm after OOP which is affecting all major languages.
  • Immutability of objects frees up the developers from ever changing state of object which enhances productivity.

This video is a excellent medium for those who want to explore function paradigm.

Disclaimer: I did not get paid to review this video, and I do not stand to gain anything if you buy the video. I have no relationship with the publisher or the author. I got this video from publisher for review.

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