Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Change in American Society and Business

Just look at the few popular web sites in US:

1. Gumroad: Sell what you make

2. Udemy: Sell your teaching skills

3. eCampus: Buy, sell rent used text books

4. giftcardgranny: Buy and sell gift/discount cards

5. plasticjungle: Buy and sell gift/discount cards

6. Gazelle: Buy and Sell your used electronics

7. Trade2save: Buy and sell or trade your used gadgets

8. Codecademy: Buy and sell programming courses

9. Skill Barter: Trade your skills

10. Cross road trading: Buy and sell used cloths

11. My Clozet: Buy and sell used cloths and accessories

12. Once Upon a Child: Buy and sell used baby stuff

13. Swap baby goods: Swap baby stuff

Few more

1. Amazon: Huge listing of used material

2. ebay: Heavens to buy and sell used material

3. craigslist: Do I have to say anything.

Now drive through in any middle class residential area on a weekend (TODAY)

You will find lot of garage sales and hardly any item left on the side walk labeled as free. Lot of persons are scouting garage sale venues.

Now recall your drive through in any middle class residential area on a weekend (Few years back)

Few Garage sales and few persons scouting for them. Plenty of material on sideways labeled as Free.

Continuous reduction in US house hold income (,,

My hunch:

People are monetizing or trading goods on unprecedented scale for used material. Why? Because, somewhere they are realizing that wastage in not good, reuse it (hopefully recycle after that). Economy is deteriorating and it is also good for resources. Fear of un-stability and not so secure future are instilling in societal mindset.

What are your observation (supported by data) and/or hunch???

So, the business opportunities:

1. Consumer to consumer
2. No frill services
3. Used material trading
4. Localization of services rendering and consumption
5. Skill building/improvement which can bring in extra money
6. Transaction cost reduction services

1 comment:

  1. is a great site to used electronics as well
