Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Risk and Security concerns with Cloud Computing

Many of the risks associated with Cloud computing are not new and can be found in any enterprise which has sufficiently big IT assets portfolio and does its business with help of out-sourcing and off-shoring. Some of the risks an enterprise must mange to have successful Cloud computing strategy are:

1. Cloud computing providers’ reputation, history, technological stability, financial and business stability, certification, SLA offered, openness of platform must be taken into account while selecting a cloud computing provider.
2. Cloud computing platform’s stability, scalability, elasticity and SLAs must be discounted.
3. Consider where information will reside ( trans boarder information flow) and you at right side of compliance.
4. Disaster recovery mechanism offered by cloud.
5. Network traffic cost and latency to be discounted.
6. Potential of mixing up data with other tenants.
7. Software licensing cost
8. Out sourcing partners capabilities with respect to cloud.
9. Integration of cloud and non cloud application.
10. Testing of application on cloud environment.

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