In simplistic terms role based authentication and authorization can be depicted as
User 1 is assigned to Role 1
User 2 is assigned to Role 1, Role 2 and Role n
User 3 is not assigned to any Role
User p is not assigned to any Role
Role 1 has Permission 1 and Permission 2
Role 2 has Permission 2
Role 3 has no Permission
Role n has no Permission
Systems has Permission 1, 2, 3, …, m
As we go into details of Figure 1, one easily deduces that system can have orphan users, roles and permissions, which may not be feasible state for a system.
While designing a role based authentication and authorization architect and designers have numerous options and some of the options may be conflicting.
Option Type: Orphan status
Orphan Users -- Allowed/Not Allowed
Roles -- Allowed/Not Allowed
Orphan Permissions -- Allowed/Not Allowed
Option Type: Permission Type
Permission -- Only Positive/Only Negative/Both
Number of Roles to a User
One Role per User
Multiple Roles per User
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